Minggu, 06 Mei 2018

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 (softskill)

Bisnis Komersial

I want to set up a business the hijab online.

What : What's the point? To help the muslim women in search of a wide variety of trends.Hijab to be used in everyday life.

Why : Why did you choose to set up a business the hijab? I chose this business because of a business opportunities that have little capital and have luck of which is promising right now.

Who : Who's gon na run a business the hijab? Of course I will run this business.

Where : Where is the location to set up business the hijab? I want to sell the hijab is through online.

When : When this business will it begin? After I watched well a hijab in the community, in electronic media and magazines.

How about : How to set up business the hijab? I have to have initial capital to set up business the hijab.